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Many of my patients have anxiety prior to our visit. This makes me sad and angry. When assessing anxiety levels, most anxiety is related to patients feeling embarrassed or ashamed regarding their size. Patients anxiety will typically stem from being fat shamed most of their lives. Fat shaming is making someone feel embarrassed or ashamed about being a larger size individual by publicly criticizing their size. Fat shaming makes people feel terrible about themselves. Let me be clear, criticizing someone's size is NOT motivating, it can cause one to over eat, develop eating disorders, and gain more weight. Youre Good campaigns against fat shaming, please join us!
Do you think about food all the time? Do you feel hungry all the time? All of us produce hunger hormones in our brains and bellies, some produce higher levels, making it challenging to stop thinking about food. We call this food noise. Cognitive Behavioral therapy, intuitive eating, and medication can help reduce food noise. Many of my patients express how liberating they feel after reducing their food noise.
I do not take this lightly. Most of us have experienced some form of eating disorder during our lives. Many of my patients do not realize they have an eating disorder. Chewing up a mini snickers bar and spitting it out is an eating disorder (I did this in college along with many of my girlfriends) Restricting and depriving food groups can lead to eating disorders. Diets, restricting calories, impulsive behavior, anxiety, depression, obsession can all lead to eating disorders. Fat Shaming can lead to eating disorders. Eating disorders can cause serious health consequences. If you feel you may have an eating disorder, or even if you are not sure, please get help. Youre good is here to support you.
The struggle is real. Talk about your body fighting against you to lose weight. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the mot most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may experience irregular menstrual periods, heavy periods, excess hair, acne, and difficulty getting pregnant. The exact cause of PCOS is uncertain, we do know that obesity does contribute and weight loss is the best treatment for PCOS. Treatment involves management of symptoms using medication.
The hormonal changes of menopause tend to make it more likely to gain weight around the abdomen vs hips and thighs. Its common to notice weight gain a few years prior to menopause, this is perimenopause. Isn't it awesome there is more than one "pause," augh?! Weight gain often continues at about the rate of 1.5 pounds each year as a women goes through her 50's. We need to embrace these changes as gaining weight during menopause is common. Our mental health can be most effective as we become unmotivated and unaccepting of our natural weight gain related to menopause. Youre Good can help combat weight gain during menopause, allowing you to have more energy and prevent comorbidities related to weight gain.
Although making healthy food choices and staying active will help reduce weight gain and promote weight loss for some, it's not the ticket for everyone! There are many underlying factors which contribute to weight gain including; metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, depression, anxiety, genetics, age, and gender. Much like a side of fries, we are all different sizes, this does not mean we are "fat or obese." Also, can we just burn that bullshit chart (aka BMI chart)! Please know, your weight struggles are not necessarily your fault, despite societal and medical opinions. You are good, You are good enough the size you are, say it back!